Monday 3 November 2014

My First Quilling Try Earrings

Once, I did not like quilling  and didn't understand why people are doing these quilling craft crazily. When it comes to jewelry, and looking at  amazing creations posted everywhere (Right from facebook to local store). That inspired me to try and experiment in quilling. I haven't went to jewelry or any classes so far. So with the help of google, I did things required for making ear jewelry.

I just went to local store with a list of items that I have to buy for making jewelry. But getting things at local store is tough task because I did not get and they said out of stock. So, I ended up buying these things below I have mentioned.

Things required :

Earring hooks 

Jump rings or connectors 

nose plier


Quilling tool

Quilling papers (available in different sizes and colors)

For making this round , I used a bamboo ice cream stick. Once u finished rolling, apply glue at the end. You would get a round bead as shown in pic. I made two beads from different colors. With the help of nose plier, I connected jump rings and hear hooks. Simple Quilling earring is ready,

Quilling earrings

My fourth experiment is Frog Quilling Earrings

Frog Quilling earrings

Quilling earrings -First try

The best part is even a novice like me can do quilling earrings. 

Quilling materials available at online store but the price is double from the local store. So, I prefer buying things  local storeee!!!!